Carrera de Ingles Americano ó Británico

Online Cursos

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    Carrera corta

  • Metodología


  • Duración

    24 Meses

Desarrollar la habilidad auditiva para recibir y comprender mensajes orales emitidos en inglés y poder dar respuestas significativas. Desarrollar la habilidad de la lectura para comprender diferentes textos. Desarrollar la habilidad de expresión y producción oral para sostener interacciones significativas en contextos diversos. Desarrollar la expresión escrita utilizando distintos tipos de textos y estilos comunicativos.Motivar el uso del idioma inglés respetando el registro y el género lingüístico apropiado, teniendo claridad de la audiencia, el propósito y el contexto de la experiencia

Información relevante sobre el curso

Poseer Internet Explorer 5.1 o superior
Tener habilitado controles ActiveX
Disponer de parlantes
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0

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Plan de estudios

Carrera de Ingles Americano ó Británico


Desarrollar la habilidad auditiva para recibir y comprender mensajes orales emitidos en inglés y poder dar respuestas significativas.

Desarrollar la habilidad de la lectura para comprender diferentes textos.

Desarrollar la habilidad de expresión y producción oral para sostener interacciones significativas en contextos diversos.

Desarrollar la expresión escrita utilizando distintos tipos de textos y estilos comunicativos.

Motivar el uso del idioma inglés respetando el registro y el género lingüístico apropiado, teniendo claridad de la audiencia, el propósito y el contexto de la experiencia comunicativa.


Greetings Functions: Meeting people. Greeting. Asking Names. Grammar: Subject Pronouns. To be (affirmative form). Alphabet. Vocabulary: Greetings.

Happy birthday Functions: Introducing people. Asking about people?s age. Spelling words. Counting from 1 to 10. Calculating. Grammar: Verb To Be (short form). Vocabulary: Numbers. Age. Introductions: This is ...

Meeting new people Functions: Asking about nationalities. Giving personal information. Grammar: Verb To Be. Article: a / an. Interrogative pronouns. Preposition of origin: from. Alphabet review. Vocabulary: Nationalities. Countries. Adjectives. Last name.

In the party Functions: Asking and giving personal information. Talking about people. Grammar: Verb To Be: negative form. Verb To Be: interrogative form. Plurals. Demonstratives: this / these. Vocabulary: Jobs. Adjectives. More nationalities

Talking about themselves Functions: Talking about routine actions. Talking about oneself. Grammar: Present simple (affirmative form). Vocabulary: Verbs related to habitual actions. Numbers from 13 to 30.

Day-to-day of a Mayor Functions: Talking about daily routine. Grammar: Present simple (affirmative form). Imperative with "let's". Frequency adverbs: usually, sometimes. Articles: a / an / the / -. Word order. Vocabulary: Vocabulary related to time: noon, midnight, later, etc. More verbs.

A table for two, please Functions: Talking about prices. Ordering a meal. Going shopping. Grammar: Present simple: negative form. Present simple: interrogative form. Vocabulary: Food. Money. Numbers from 30 to 100.

Having a crash Functions: Telephone conversations. Expressing ability. Asking for permission. Expressing possibility. Expressing prohibition. Grammar: Modal verb "Can". Vocabulary: colors. Clothes. More verbs.

At the police station Functions: Describing people. Asking to describe people. Grammar: Adjectives: characteristics and position in the sentence. Vocabulary: Parts of the body. Review of colors and age. More adjectives.

The fifth anual race Functions: Giving commands and instructions. Giving directions. Grammar: Imperative affirmative. Prepositions of movement. Vocabulary: Places of interest: bank, square, etc. Verbs of movement: go, turn, go past, etc.

What a mess!! There was a party Functions: Personal descriptions in the past. Expressing location in the past. Asking for quantities. Grammar: Verb To Be in the past. There was/ there were. How much/ how many. Vocabulary: Parts of the house. Furniture. Months.

Shopping clothes Functions: Talking about the past. Comparing things and places. Grammar: Simple past (regular verbs). Comparative adjectives. Object pronouns. Vocabulary: More clothes. Buying clothes vocabulary: size, to try on, to cost, etc.

Going back to New York Functions: Expressing actions happening at the moment. Grammar: Present continuous. Present continuous vs. Present simple. To be going to. Some / any. Vocabulary: Have + shower, dinner, etc. Activities.

At the fair. The fortune teller Functions: Expressing habitual and current actions. Expressing intention. Grammar: Present continuous vs. Present simple. To be going to. Vocabulary: Dates. Get + married, dressed, etc. Vocabulary review.

Buying the perfect motorhome Functions: Asking for personal information. Talking about the past, the present and the future. Grammar: Tense review. Present simple, present continuous, past simple, be going to, can, have got. Vocabulary: Means of transport. Everyday activities.

Mildred Functions: Talking about the weather. Expressing possession. Asking and talking about recent past. Grammar: Present perfect. Possessive pronouns. Whose? Vocabulary: The weather.

Having a breakdown Functions: Asking and talking about experience. Expressing quantity. Grammar: Present perfect + yet / already. Have you ever ...? Quantifiers. Vocabulary: Clothes. Cloth material. Farewells.

Bye-Bye, Rowland Functions: Describing objects. Talking about the past. Grammar: Present perfect + just. Present perfect vs. Past simple. Past simple + ago. Something, anything, nothing. Vocabulary: Shapes. Materials. Common objects.

Introducing "Dark Night" Functions: Talking about actions in progress in the past. Expressing duration. Grammar: Past continuous. How long does it take ...? Vocabulary: Travelling. Country setting.

Camping in the countryside Functions: Narrating stories. Expressing obligation. Expressing manner. Grammar: Must / mustn?t. Past continuous vs. Past simple. The pronoun one. Adverbs of manner. Vocabulary: Parks and campsites.

You are not invited to the party Functions: Explaining causes and consequences. Defining jobs and objects. Grammar: Phrasal verbs. Relative pronouns. So / because. Vocabulary: The face. Jobs. Phrasal verbs.

Meeting Jean Functions: Making suggestions. Asking for confirmation. Continuing conversations. Ordering a meal. Grammar: Should / shouldn?t. Comment tags. Vocabulary: Food. Restaurant.

Saying goodbye to the band Functions: Making predictions. Making offers. Comparing things. Talking on the phone. Grammar: Future simple: will / won?t. Comparative: as ... as. Vocabulary: Telephone expressions. Verbs.

Getting married Functions: Changing money. Making offers. Comparing. Talking about future plans and intentions. Expressing sudden decisions. Grammar: Present continuous with future reference vs. Future simple. Shall I ...? Comparative form of the adjective. Vocabulary: Weddings. Adjectives.

A new barman Functions: Expressing purpose. Checking in at the airport. Grammar: To + infinitive vs. For + noun. Vocabulary: Confusing verbs. Feelings. Illness.

Doing market research Functions: Talking about habitual actions. Talking about actions in progress. Expressing likes and dislikes. Talking about work and leisure. Grammar: Present continuous. Present simple. Expressions of frequency. Vocabulary: Work & Leisure. Games & Sports.

Remembering old times Functions: Narrating. Expressing habitual actions in the past. Stating past situations. Comparing. Describing a house. Grammar: Past continuous. Past simple. There was / there were. Used to. Comparisons. Vocabulary: The family. In-laws. Description of a house.

Making plans for vacations Functions: Talking about recent past. Talking about tourism. Stressing words correctly. Travelling. Grammar: Present perfect vs. Past simple. Still, yet, already. Just / Ever. Vocabulary: Tourism. Experiences.

Two weeks in Austria Functions: Expressing movement. Making an appointment. Making plans. Expressing intention. Making predictions. Talking about movies and TV programmes. Grammar: Present continuous with future reference. Going to. Future with will. Prepositions of movement. Vocabulary: Pastimes. Excursions. movies. Competitions.

Housework I Functions: Giving and asking for permission. Expressing obligation or lack of it. Expressing prohibition. Advising. Talking about housework. Grammar: Modal verbs: can, could, must, have to, should, ought to. Uses of do and make. Vocabulary: Housework. Do / Make.

Looking for a temporary job Functions: Talking about conditions and their consequences. Expressing two possibilities. Refusing both possibilities. Grammar: First conditional. Second conditional. Reflexive pronouns. Either...or / Neither...nor. Vocabulary: Employment. The zoo. Stress-free life.

Working with animals Functions: Narrating a sequence of actions. Giving directions. Talking about actions in progress in the recent past. Grammar: Present perfect continuous. Before, after, while, etc. Vocabulary: Public places. Entertainment.

Meeting Rick Functions: Inviting. Making offers. Accepting invitations or offers. Refusing invitations or offers. Reporting statements. Grammar: Reported statements. Infinitive vs. Gerund. Vocabulary: Personality description. American vocabulary. Adverbs of manner. Verbs of expression: explain, promise, refuse, suggest, invite, etc.

Sean works in the radio Functions: Defining an object or a person. Giving extra information about an object or a person. Asking for information in a formal way. Asking for and expressing opinion. Grammar: Relative clauses: Defining & Non-defining. Indirect questions. Vocabulary: Ecology. Environment.

Bad news! Functions: Making deductions about the past. Regretting past actions. Connecting ideas. Grammar: Modal verbs with perfect tenses. I wish / If only. Perfect conditional. Connectors. Vocabulary: The news. Politics. Homophones. Connectors.

Interviewing a principal Functions: Giving permission. Talking about abilities. Talking about impossible facts in the present due to unfulfilled conditions in the past. Grammar: Third conditional. Verb + Object + Infinitive. Modal verbs and similar structures: can, may, to be allowed to / can, could, be able to. Vocabulary: Education. School subjects. Learning techniques.

I have to see a doctor! Functions: Reporting commands. Reporting questions. Explaining cause. Grammar: Reported questions. Reported commands. Modals in reported speech. Because, as, since vs. because of, due to. Vocabulary: Health & Medicine. Healthy eating. Health farms.

You need a retreat Functions: Expressing purpose. Talking about different religions. Describing a process. Grammar: Passive voice. The passive form of sentences with two objects. Have something done. Purpose: to + verb, for + noun, so that + clause. Vocabulary: Spiritual life. Religions. American words.

Starting out the theatre group I Grammar: Tense review: present tenses, past tenses, perfect tenses, future tenses. Different uses of To get. Vocabulary: Phrasal verb get. Non-verbal communication. Language learning.

Starting out the theatre group II Functions: Expressing action before a time in the past. Expressing action in progress before a time in the past. Talking about past habits. Expressing action finished in the past. Giving dates. Grammar: Past simple vs. Past continuous. Present perfect simple vs. Present perfect continuous. Used to/ would for past habits. Dates. Vocabulary: Politics. Past experiences.

Starting out the theatre group III Functions: Expressing duration. Talking about experiences. Expressing unfinished past activities & present result of past activities. Grammar: Present perfect + often, still, yet, already, just, ... Present perfect continuous. Prepositions. The article the. Vocabulary: Geographical names & Location reference. Theatre. Letters to the editor.

Rehearsing on a hired hall Functions: Offering to do something. Suggesting doing something. Making promises. Taking sudden decisions. Making predictions. Grammar: Uses of will & shall. Future continuous. Future perfect. By then, by the time, ... Vocabulary: Science. Synonyms. Antonyms.

An invitation to the local press Functions: Making general and specific descriptions. Talking about family resemblance. Grammar: Order of adjectives. Compound adjectives. Family resemblance: look alike. Vocabulary: Age: teenager, middle-aged, adult, ... Parts of the body. Compound adjectives. Adjectives.

Shopping at the supermarket Functions: Expressing quantity. Grammar: The election of the article: a, an, the. The omission of the article. Quantifiers. Uncountable & Mass nouns. Plural nouns. Vocabulary: Proportions and figures: fractions, percentages, etc. Quantities. Nouns.

Going on a tour Functions: Giving orders. Describing ability. Expressing obligation. Expressing absence of obligation. Expressing future possibility. Grammar: Possibility + Ability: can, could, may ... Probability: will, may, might. Deductions: must, can?t, may, might, could. Permission & Obligation: can?t, have to, needn?t, should, allowed to ...

Getting the contract Functions: Giving advice. Offering to do things. Making promises. Making suggestions. Making requests. Writing a letter. Grammar: Modals. Vocabulary: Vocabulary and expressions used in letter writing. British vs. American English.

Some troubles with the tour Grammar: Verb + Gerund/Infinitive. Verbs + Object + Infinitive. Expressions + Gerund. Verbs with changes in meaning: remember, stop, ... Vocabulary: Cinema, photo sessions, models, etc. Verbs. Idioms.

Alec and Julia say goodbye Functions: Describing objects. Expressing purpose. Guessing objects. Expressing position. Grammar: Order of adjectives. Compound nouns. Purpose-related objects. Prepositions of position: at the top/ at the bottom. Vocabulary: Adjectives. Compound nouns. Shapes & Materials. Office objects.

In an Irish pub Functions: Expressing real conditions. Expressing unreal conditions. Expressing conditions that are always true. Linking clauses. Grammar: Conditional sentences & variations. False conditionals. Time clauses: after, in case, when, ... Vocabulary: Superstitions & Lucky charms. Machines. Homographs.

Welsh culture Functions: Focusing on the object. Explaining processes. Forming nouns. Grammar: The passive: review of forms. Vocabulary: Agriculture, mining & industry. Suffixes to form nouns. Synonyms.

Hogmanay in Scotland Functions: Describing people and places. Specifying people and places. Forming verbs. Grammar: Relative clauses: defining & non-defining. Prepositions in relative clauses: to whom... Vocabulary: Car driving vocabulary. Prefixes to form verbs.

Doing some sightseeing in London Functions: Reporting direct speech and thoughts. Forming adjectives. Grammar: Reported speech. Connectors. Vocabulary: Suffixes to form adjectives. Parapsychology. Horoscopes. Places of interest in London.

Remembering the tour Functions: Describing scenes & images. Expressing position. Appearances & Impressions. Grammar: Prepositional clauses. Vocabulary: Light & color. Photographic & Artistic terms. Synonyms & Antonyms. Onomatopoeia.

Modalidades de Carrera

Para realizar esta carrera, es requisito que el equipo desde el cual se realice el mismo disponga de conexión a Internet. Esta conexión se utiliza para brindar permisos de acceso a cada usuario como así también para actualizar las estadísticas de avance de la carrera.

En caso de que no se disponga de conexión a Internet, no se podrá realizar la carrera.

Se presentan dos opciones de acuerdo con la velocidad de conexión a Internet de que se dispone:

A. Carrera On. Line (Requiere conexión Banda Ancha)

A través de un usuario y contraseña podrá acceder a un campus virtual en la web.

En el Campus Virtual usted podrá acceder a los contenidos de la carrera que haya contratado, como así también a las ejercitaciones y estadísticas de avance de la carrera.

Los contendidos multimedia (explicaciones, simulaciones y prácticas) se descargan de internet en el momento de acceder a los mismos.

B. Carreras en CD (Conveniente para conexiones tipo Dial Up)

Por cada carrera que contrate el alumno, se le enviará un CD. A través del mismo el alumno podrá acceder a los contenidos de la carrera.

El alumno solo necesita de la conexión a Internet al principio y al final de cada lección. De esta manera se habilita el acceso a los contenidos incluidos en el CD y se actualizan las estadísticas de acceso y avance de la carrera.

Tanto los contenidos como las lecciones de la carrera son exactamente iguales para el formato Online y el formato en CD.

Formato de Carrera

Innovador - Interactivo - Práctico

Con materiales didácticos que incorporan textos, imágenes, sonidos y animaciones, permiten activar o estimular simultáneamente los sentidos del estudiante, aumentando la retención de los conocimientos aprendidos.

Basados en la interactividad, los cursos que comprende la carrera dispone de una simulación perfecta al programa real de que se trata el temario.

Con una teoría sencilla se aprende gracias a las simulaciones, mediante el uso de nuestra metodología "leer poco" y "practicar lo aprendido", además de preguntas durante el curso, tests auto evaluativos y ejercicio práctico (simulado) al finalizar cada lección.

Se utiliza una metodología basada en el mínimo esfuerzo en lectura y el máximo en practicar lo aprendido de forma creciente, utilizando conceptos vistos con anterioridad.

Cada lección contiene:

  • Conceptos teóricos: explicaciones breves.
  • Conceptos prácticos: Prácticas simuladas de cada explicación.

Cada lección dispone de la opción:

  • Repaso, una vez finalizada.
  • Test en cada lección, (se incorpora el test de nivel de aprendizaje)
  • Ejercicio práctico simulado
  • Manual (en pantalla), ejercicios (a realizar en la aplicación real) con su respectiva solución.
  • La voz y el texto se puede ejecutar o no, a elección del usuario/alumno
  • Ejecución en ventana a tamaño variable
  • Glosario de términos integrado

El alumno tendrá acceso a los contenidos por un plazo de 24 meses.

A la carrera se puede acceder durante las 24 horas.

Tutoría permanente

Al inscribirse, se le asignará automáticamente un profesor que se encargará de su seguimiento y de despejar cualquier duda o inquietud que tenga a lo largo de la carrera.

Metodologia del Campus Virtual

Nuestra plataforma de educación cuenta con todas las herramientas de seguimiento y progreso del alumno.

Al inscribirse en la carrera, Usted estará recibiendo en su email, su usuario y contraseña para acceder a la plataforma educativa.

Le recomendamos familiarizarse con la plataforma accediendo al manual del alumno.

Carrera de Ingles Americano ó Británico

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